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Weekly Kids Activity Planner

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Here I am sharing a way that I have used to organise my child’s weekly activities.
I like to know what is coming up and what to expect and so do children. Having a plan not only helps you to know what you’re doing, but also builds some routine and structure for your child. This allows your child to feel secure which is extremely important. I also found that organising my week like this meant that I wasn’t scratching my head on a daily basis trying to come up with ideas on the spot for things for them to do. I was able to ensure that my child was fitting in all the areas of learning that I wanted her to experience each week and making sure I had the materials or supplies I needed to support this.



Author: nicksposts

I am a widower, single parent of 4 kids, I currently live here and Utah. I am originally from Washington State. I come from a family of seven kids. I love life,my family and my kids. I love adventure. I enjoy my kids and their activities. I love to travel and spend together as a family.I like to post information, ideas, or links that might help other people. Maybe tell a friend about my blog. And if you have information, ideas or a link to share please send a link my way. Thank you.

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