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Leap Frog Letter Factory Flash Cards

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I’ve really enjoyed Leap Frog’s educational DVDs, mainly the Letter
Factory that teach sounds each letter makes . I’ve  been looking online for flashcards that coordinate with the alphabet characters in the DVD for a while, and couldn’t find any, so made some myself. So far they’ve been great, and I was actually surprised how many sounds my son knew from watching the DVDs.  I think having the cards with the same clues helps him, and it’s nice to review the same clues he’s already familiar–not having to watch TV to do so.  It seems like he learns a lot more using the cards, since he has to recall info rather than just watch the DVD, but it’s fun to have both
that reinforce one another.                              

Author: nicksposts

I am a widower, single parent of 4 kids, I currently live here and Utah. I am originally from Washington State. I come from a family of seven kids. I love life,my family and my kids. I love adventure. I enjoy my kids and their activities. I love to travel and spend together as a family.I like to post information, ideas, or links that might help other people. Maybe tell a friend about my blog. And if you have information, ideas or a link to share please send a link my way. Thank you.

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